What shop do you work out of?

Blackbird Electric Tattoo is located at #102, 1118 12 Ave SW Calgary.

What are your hours?

Earliest appointments can start at 10am. I perfer to book clients at 12:00 noon.

Appointments can be any day of the week.

Latest start times are usually 6pm.

Who can I go to if I have a complaint?

Tattooers hold power, have physical contact with their clients, and can be intimidating. Although ethical artists work to eliminate this power structure, it still exists! So who can you talk to if you have a bad experience? I am happy to hear and understand you if you’ve had a negative experience. If going to me directly doesn’t feel right for you, I have hired Brandy Barter (MSW, RSW-Registered Social Worker) to help mediate any negative experience. Brandy’s job is to hear you, understand you, and communicate your experience back to Mason. This can be done anonymously, through guided conflict mediation or however you want! The main point is that you can talk to Mason or Brandy to make sure that harmful behaviour, no matter the intent, is corrected, and restorative justice is enacted. You are also welcome to contact Blackbird Electric directly, here. (This form goes to shop management and NOT Mason.)

What should I do to prepare for my appointment?

Try to get a good night’s sleep, eat a big meal, drink lots of water, pack a drink and snacks, wear comfortable clothes (and bring your mask.) If you're worried about pain, contact me ahead of time for tips on pain management, topical gels, etc.

How much will my tattoo cost?

Unless your tattoo has a “flat rate,” I charge $150 per hour.

If financial barriers exist for you, just contact me and tell me what you’d like to spend on a tattoo.

Financial barriers can be removed as part of reparations, where I can tattoo Indigenous, Black and people of colour “at cost” (meaning: asking for enough money to cover the cost of supplies, specifically when tattooing imagery that would be unethical for Mason to profit from) or at a reduced hourly rate.

Is the space accessible for people who use mobility aids?

YES! The washrooms are also accessible for folks with mobility aids.

How do I book in?

Check out the consult page here.

How long do I have to wait to get in?

Usually a week or two. If your tattoo is small or simple, you can probably get in sooner. I make my own schedule so just ask. Walk-ins are also accepted at Blackbird Electric.

How do I heal my tattoo?

Check out the healthy healing instructions below.

Will you copy another artist’s design or a tattoo that I found a picture of?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: Depends. If you have an artist’s permission and can prove that you got their permission, I am more likely to agree. If a tattoo is super common like “traditional ship” or “traditional sparrow,” that’s pretty A-OK too. “Tattoo Copy Cats” is a major issue in our industry and artists can have their credibility completely destroyed by being a “Tattoo Copy Cat.” If I have completed your design and you are disappointed I did not trace your references, I am sorry but your tattoo is not worth the years of credibility I have earned. (And yes, I am keeping your deposit because I held up my end of our agreement.)

Healing Instructions

Wash your hands EVERY TIME before touching a fresh/healing tattoo.

  1. Remove the bandaging the morning after your tattoo. DO NOT re-bandage!

  2. Wash your tattoo immediately after un-bandaging with warm water, using finger tips and a mild soap.

  3. Pat dry with a clean towel. Do not rub.

  4. Wash 2-3 times a day for the first 2 days, once a day for the remainder of the healing time, or as needed.

  5. After first 2-5 days, when your tattoo has begun to dry out, apply only a light layer of unscented lotion (we recommend Aquaphor) 2-3 times per day, until skin returns to normal (around 4 weeks).

  6. DO NOT pick or scratch scabs! (Slap your tattoo if needed, but it’s probably too dry if it’s really itchy!)

  7. NO DIRECT SUN, HOT TUBS, POOLS, OR TANNING for the first 2 weeks. Showering is fine, you just don't want to soak or tan your new tattoo.

  8. Touch ups are free for the first 3 MONTHS after your appointment, as long as the tattoo was taken care of properly.

  9. Always use a good sunscreen (SPF 30) on your tattoo after it has healed, but not during the healing time.

  10. Soreness, swelling and bruising are all completely normal and to be expected, but do not hesitate to contact Mason if you have concerns.

Please follow these instructions if you are healing your tattoo with Tegaderm.

Tegaderm is a breathable, flexible, adhesive medical film that is ideal for healing tattoos, as it locks in the body’s natural fluids and enzymes which would otherwise be lost to evaporation and scabbing. Tegaderm provides a barrier against external factors such as bacteria, grime and friction with clothing, which can have a negative impact on healing.

If your artist has applied the Tegaderm for you, skip to step 4.
If you were sent home with Tegaderm to apply yourself the following day, do as follows:

  1. Follow steps 1 - 3 as stated in the general aftercare instructions above, and allow tattoo to air dry for a few minutes.

  2. Remove white backing from Tegaderm, and place the sticky side over tattoo - you want it to be as centered as possible, and as smooth as possible (avoid air bubbles). You can lift and reposition if needed.

  3. Once it is in place, find the edge of the clear/blue grid plastic backing and remove. You may need to hold down the edges of the actual Tegaderm piece as you go so that the clear backing does not lift it.

  4. You may leave this on for up to 3 days at a time. No more than that. The tattoo should always be washed between applications.

  5. If your tattoo is “oozing” and a significant amount of blood plasma is pooling underneath the Tegaderm, it will need to be taken off and discarded. Steps 1 - 4 should then be repeated. Sometimes it will need to be replaced daily for the first 2-3 days.

  6. When removing Tegaderm, it is best to find an edge and roll it off of your skin rather than trying to lift upwards and peel. It can be quite sensitive feeling, and there will most likely be an imprint of your tattoo left on it - this is just excess pigment and sometimes dead skin that would normally have flaked off.

  7. You can stop using Tegaderm and resume the normal healing process at any time. Just remove the Tegaderm, wash your tattoo, and refer to the general aftercare above.

  8. Steps 7 through 10 as listed in the general aftercare section still apply even when using Tegaderm.

    NOTE: You do NOT need to lotion your tattoo at any time between Tegaderm applications. Your skin should always be free of oils and all substances before applying Tegaderm.

Healing instructions lovingly stolen from https://www.classictattoo.ca/aftercare